Sister Philomena Meets Tank
Sister Philomena Monte has been a dog lover all her life. In her earlier years at Saint Raphaela Center in Haverford, PA, Sister Philomena had her loyal companion, Duke, a male German shepherd, always by her side.
Recently, she received a surprise visit from the Canine Unit of the Lower Merion Police Department. Officer Eric Curcio and his dog, Tank, visited Sister Philomena. Sister Philomena was amazed by Tank’s friendly disposition and well trained manners. At one point during the visit, Officer Curcio hid an object in the front woods of the Retreat Center and with specific commands, in which officer and animal are trained, got Tank to retrieve the object.
It was exciting for Sister Philomena to watch the energy of the animal in pursuit. When Tank retrieved the object, applause broke out. Officer Curcio entertained questions about Canine Patrol, and training, about keeping the animal in good health and the extensive training that the officer and canine receive. Sister Philomena and Retreat Center staff learned that police dogs live with an officer’s family as part of the family. Officer Curcio explained that even the family has to be interviewed to see if all members are in agreement to have this valuable animal living with them.
“When can you bring Tank back?” was Sister Philomena’s closing question. She enjoyed the visit so much that Officer Curcio agreed with her for a return visit.