Interested in sponsoring the event? It’s easy!
To become a sponsor, please complete the online sponsorship form below, or print this Sponsorship Registration and submit a check by mail.
We accept all gifts no matter how small or large. Every little bit counts towards our goal and provides us with the ability to keep our ministries alive.
To learn more about the Handmaids and the Journey of Hope, please contact the Development Office at [email protected].
We are deeply grateful to those who have contributed Sponsorships of the 2021 Journey of Hope and appreciate all who support our mission.
Platinum Level Sponsors
- Nance Dicciani
- Tom and Monica Forst
- Chuck and Betsy Minnich
Gold Level Sponsors
- Tom and Mary Breslin
- Nicholas and Alison Gibson
Silver Level Sponsors
- Anonymous
- Jeff Barker
- Rod and Kerry Henkels
- Pierce and Katie Keating
- Paul Ryan and Winifred Doyle
Bronze Level Sponsors
- Ray and Carol Angelo
- Anonymous
- Tim and Diane Denny
- John and Juanita Price Dwyer
- Joe and Donna Ferrier
- Sid and Helena Gosser
- Joanne Romano Guiniven
- Terry and Jeanne Hisey
- Ken and Pat Kempf
- Wes and Crystal Kuehnle
- Ken and Joanna Phelan
- David and Mary Reid
- Antonia Romano
- Elizabeth Romano
- Richard and Ellen Ryan
- Deacon David Schaffer
- Fred and Susan Singer
- William R. May Funeral Home
Deacon David Schaffer