You may experience one, all, or none of these feelings – remember, God works within each of us individually, but effectively.
- Do you yearn for a deeper relationship with God?
- Do you enjoy talking about your faith, or sharing it with others?
- Do you sense a voice inside – sometimes a whisper, sometimes a shout – nudging you to take a new direction in your life?
- Are you happy and settled in your life, but still feel like something is missing?
- Are you yearning to serve others, to serve God – be part of something bigger than yourself?
- Are you drawn to a life of prayer, Eucharistic adoration, daily Mass, retreats, or other prayer forms?
- Are you inspired by the witness of faith or ministry of a Sister?
- Do you feel called to work with the poor or marginalized? Do you seek justice?
- Do you feel called to care for Earth and God’s Creation?
- Have you spent time with members of a religious community and felt the desire to be part of their community or their mission?
- Has anyone ever asked you, “Have you thought about being a Sister?”